School Vision & Mission
Po Leung Kuk aims at a quality education for all, advocates an all-round education embracing the academic, moral, physical, social and aesthetic aspects「德、智、體、群、美」, and takes pride in nurturing flourishing and faithful boys and girls for the community.
School Motto
“Love, respect, diligence, integrity” 「愛、敬、勤、誠」
We aim to foster students’ all-round development. Hence besides instilling students with book knowledge, training them skills for work and helping them develop a healthy physique, we also aim to inculcate students with the correct social behaviour and moral values through school programs and day-to-day school-life.
School Goals
Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College aspires to be a leading aided senior secondary college in Hong Kong, providing quality senior form education. It seeks to actualize its vision by:
- providing a strong academic focus, enabling students to pursue further studies in tertiary and post-secondary institutions,
- encouraging the development and practice of self-respect and self-discipline in a free but responsible and democratic school environment through a series of student-oriented practices,
- providing a learning environment that will foster students’ seriousness towards studies, independence, critical thinking, power of analysis and effective communication in both languages.